Do You Thrift?
By Isaiah Frizzell

Does anyone not? The last decade has seen the thrifting scene become a meme. The 80’s and 90’s had mall rats, now we see vintage voyagers. We have a few thrift stores that offer an alternative to fast fashion and disposable everything. None like Barkin, though!. It’s the most charming, bountiful, recognizable and alluring depot, not only for their products but also the interaction with the charismatic ladies who make it happen there, daily.
Metallic ceilings, bright windows and a well organized layout of goods make The Barkin’. Clothes, jewelry, small appliances, tchotchkes, you never know what treasure you’ll find. This is an absolute destination in downtown Hailey.
Manager/Interior Designer Aubrey Cravens loves horror films. Her last name works that, too, “wait, like Wes Craven?” “Yes, but with an Sssss” she expounds, drawing out the sibilance in gothic reverie. Delight, all around. Cravens has been manager of The Barkin’ for the last nine years, 3 of which were at its former location.
Did You Know?
The Barkin was previously named Neimans Barkas! 🙂 Neimans legally bullied a name change and it became The Barkin’ Basement which many locals still refer to it as.
You might not know about their precise square footage basement. Cravens keeps the inventory in exacting orientation explaining, “it literally mirrors our floor. So, the electronics are here. We have the same spot in the basement. It’s like shopping. You go downstairs, you get your shopping cart, and you put electronics in and then you put that out on the floor.”
Cravens is maybe ultra-organizational. “ I’m a little OCD, I would say. I mean, yeah. I just love organizing.”
And what a vibe she and her staff create! Cravens and Diana Ellison are two of the sparkling women you’ll encounter at The Barkin. Laughter, jokes and play abound with these two and although they display a sign reading “Dogs Welcome, Humans tolerated” Cravens maintains balance, “I’m a cat person too. So I get cat things when I go visit my mom. I’m like, you have to have cat stuff here too. Not just dogs.” How wonderful! A fresh, feline friendly fountain of felicity in dogtown!
The Barkin’ is easily the most beautiful storefront in Hailey with a spectacular set of windows facing Main street and the Hailey library. Cravens rates, “The biggest thing is, you go to a grocery store, you know you’re getting groceries. An electronics store? Electronics. But, you come into a thrift store you don’t know what you’re going to find. That’s just the excitement. The treasure hunt. It’s new, always new, every time.”
Precisely! Cravens and Ellison are a hoot, and trust, they have jokes. They’re a vibe!
If you want to donate anything, at all, they take donations Wednesday through Saturday, 10 to 4pm. Barkins, bar none.
Happy thrifting!