Flag of the United States of America


My friend shared a passage from the Bible with me this week that states: “You may have freedom but you cannot keep it without truth.” We are celebrating our Declaration of Independence this coming week and so much sacrifice was done so that we might worship, speak and believe the way we choose without interference from rulers.  We are expected to rule ourselves with kindness, courtesy, truth, honesty, the right to protect yourself and your family, and justice because of the gift of freedom our ancestors fought diligently to preserve. Your word was considered to be your bond. It defined your character as an individual of integrity and without integrity we have no respect for ourselves or others.

Many good things have evolved from that time in 1776 when we declared these values for “freedom,” but if we don’t wake up, they will be legislated away from us, little by little, and again we will be servants of the few who declare “they can make the rules because they have the money.”

Money is the last thing that should determine our values. If money gives you power over others and you use it to abuse, then things need to be revamped so that integrity and honesty are the guide stones we live by. Your will should not ever be forced on others.

If we know that freedom can only be maintained by embracing truth, then we must search for truth. It does not come from the media—almost never. The media has an agenda of the moneyed. We do not know the truth of climate change, cloning, vaccines, space aliens, and causes of air pollution. Most of the history about religion has been adjusted to represent the desire of those that want the power.

Honesty, no matter how ugly, needs to be exposed and then dealt with in a humane manner, from a place of compassion. Diversity does not come from legislation but from each individual’s thoughts and energy and the way they use it responsibly. Can we take this space and time to reflect on “what is our truth?” What truth do you want to hold and then become a beacon of the truth? Not for others to follow but to shine your light as a being of truth, integrity, compassion for all life. Our Declaration of Independence gave us the opportunity to express our truth. Will you stand for the freedom of our nation and have the courage to embrace the responsibility required to maintain freedom? Or, will you let money and power determine your truth?

I love my country. Please protect it from those that would steal our freedom and make us slaves to their values. God Bless America. Dove