WRHS Annual Senior Bash


Wood River High School will host its annual Senior Bash for the Class of 2023 on June 9 and is seeking donations for goods and services for prizes for graduates.

Now spanning more than two decades, this event hosts all Blaine County School District senior graduates (Wood River High School, Carey High School, and Silver Creek High School) for a safe and sober evening that is community-supported and entirely volunteer-run. The Senior Bash Committee welcomes and depends upon the support of community businesses and individuals to ensure this beloved evening is safe, fun, and engaging for the Class of 2023, also the largest to graduate from Wood River High School in school history.

There are several ways to help, and the committee welcomes them all: donating goods or services from your business or prizes the graduates can win at the Bash; sponsoring one or more students at $150/student; making any in-kind or cash contribution to support the event; or Venmo @Wrhs-Seniorbash. Please reach out to Denise Ford at (208) 721-0987 or Heidi Pietsch at (208) 720-5994 or email the committee at wrseniorbash@gmail.com for questions and/or donations. All donations are tax-deductible and the committee treasurer will return a tax receipt. Click on the QR code to donate or visit the donation page: http://bit.ly/3SzTtw5. You can also follow them on Facebook @WRHS Senior Bash 2023.

About the Senior Bash

The Senior Bash is modeled after Project Graduation, a nationally recognized substance-free event designed to provide high school graduates with a safe alternative to celebrating their special graduation night. For more than two decades, Blaine County parents have organized the Senior Bash, benefiting our youth, schools, and community. The event runs from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. on the night of graduation.