Ketchum Under Fire Restrictions Through Halloween


Due to the current threat of wildfire danger, Ketchum Fire Chief Bill McLaughlin has implemented Fire Restrictions on all public and private lands, roads and trails situated within the boundaries of the City of Ketchum.

Under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions, the following acts are prohibited within the City of Ketchum on public and private lands, roads and trails:

  • Open fires and campfires
  • Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle, building or designated recreation site, or in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials


These restrictions will remain in place until midnight on Oct. 31, 2022. However, the following are exemptions to the Stage 1 Fire Restrictions:

  • Persons with a written permit that specifically authorizes the otherwise prohibited acts
  • Persons using fire fueled solely by liquid petroleum or liquid petroleum gas (LPG) fuels. Such devices, including propane campfires, may be used only in an area cleared of flammable material.
  • Fully enclosed metal stove, grill, or sheep herder type stove with a chimney at least five feet in length and a spark arrester with a mesh screen and screen of ¼ inch or less.
  • Any federal, state or local officer, or member of an organized rescue or firefighting force in the performance of an official duty.

For additional information, please contact the City of Ketchum Fire Department at (208) 726-7805.