Horse Manure

Bryce Angell – The outdoors has always been a large part of my life. My father was an outfitter and guide for 35 years and I was there to shoe and care for the horses and help him do the cooking. We took many great trips into the Yellowstone area. Even now that I’m older, we still ride into the Tetons, Yellowstone and surrounding areas. My poems are mostly of personal experience. I am now retired and enjoying life to the fullest. I plan to do more riding and writing.

My grandson pinched his nose as he was gagging every breath. I swear he acted like he might just suffocate to death.

I’d have to say most people turn their nose from horse manure. The pungent smell is too much for their sniffer to endure

For me the smell of horse manure brings back old memories. I can’t forget those evening smells brought in by summer’s breeze.

While on the farm we did our chores before we went to school. We tried to keep our boots clean. ‘Twas my mother’s family rule.

One morning feeding horses, they would not cooperate. There was no time to clean my boots ‘cuz I was running late.

So, my English teacher told me, “Throw those filthy boots away.” I told him, “I don’t think so, but I’ll walk on out today.”

My agriculture teacher didn’t mind the horse manure. But said, “When taking English, clean the horse manure for sure.”

So, I didn’t push my luck. From then I cleaned ‘em till they shone. ‘Cuz horse manure in English class was scorned. Carved in stone.

One day my father told me, “Load the truck with horse manure. Haul it to your grandma. If she runs out, get her more.”

I mulched in all the garden till grandma told me, “Time to stop.” And to this day I’ve never seen a finer tomato crop.

I gulped down ripe tomatoes. Didn’t care what made them grow. Did they have a hint of horse manure? Not one bit, so you know.

I’ve shoveled horse manure from trucks and trailers half my life. I love it when I see the shoveling coming from my wife.

As long as there are horses, there’ll be plenty horse manure. And if your nose is sensitive, start shoveling. That’s the cure.

  – Bryce Angell