Become Your Own Guru



I know all of us would love to have the world return to some degree of sanity, but what does that look like for you? Only you can determine what makes sense and resonates with your own inner being.

I would like to give you a bit of a history lesson. In the days of Moses, when the people were freed from the Egyptians, Moses went to the Mount and received the Ten Commandments—great guidance on how to live a happy life. When Moses came down from the mountain, all of the people had reverted to worshipping the Golden Calf. At that time the planet was in the sign of Taurus (the bull), a little bit of influence there from the astrological sign governing the planet at that time. From there, we went into the Piscean Age; this became the age of worshipping the one God.

The sign used for Christianity was the fish (a little influence there from the astrological sign). We have now moved into the age of Aquarius, which stands for emancipation, independence, equality of the sexes, innovation and technology. This is where we are. It is time to give up being dependent upon something outside of yourself. I would love to tell you that some magical being is going to come rescue you from this chaos but, as I see it, we must become our own magical being. As long as you wait for someone else to give you truth or your purpose, your power is outside of you.

So, how do you become your own guru? You start by declaring your sovereignty, your freedom. If you are letting someone or something fill you with fear, then the fear has all your power. That is the last place you want to place your energy. According to Greg Braden, we have about 50 trillion cells in our bodies, with each cell having an electrical potential of .07 volts. If you do the math, that means you have 3.5 trillion volts of electrical potential in your body. What if you learned how to direct and use that energy for healing, manifesting abundance, love, joy, laughter. Again, where your focus goes, energy flows.

What if we started to acknowledge that we have this power rather than stay trapped on autopilot at the same old level of reality. I know we can do this. After all, we are now in the age of Aquarius and we can change our experience from worshipping a God outside of ourselves to realizing that God is within our cells. We just have to activate our connection. Activate your connection with your breath. At least three deep breaths in a row bring you to your heart space. Do this several times a day, and say out loud, “I am free, I am sovereign, I am God within.” You have the power!

Get over old belief systems that cause you to give your power away. Just start. Put your focus on all that cellular energy that is inside of you. Learn to use it, and you can only do that with practice. Start with your breath, and your declarations. Expect to see change. Take control of your health and your body. Be mindful of what you put in your body. Give your body, your heart, and your thoughts your focus. Use your energy for all of the innovations you would like to see—anti-gravity cars, perfect health, a planet that is cherished and blessed.

Let’s all start the practice of using our 3.5 trillion volts of energy to create a better world out of this chaos.

Much love, Dove

P.S. I really do want to teleport