
Notebook in the center of cute Christmas decoration: gift box, christmas balls, gingerbread man, fir tree branch, cande cane. Female hand writing in notebook. Flat lay. Top view


Notebook in the center of cute Christmas decoration: gift box, christmas balls, gingerbread man, fir tree branch, cande cane. Female hand writing in notebook. Flat lay. Top view

If I could give each of you a gift at this time of year, I would give you the gift of clarity, confidence and trust in yourself. There is no greater security than that of trusting who you are as a person. Your coping skills, for no matter what happens in our world, determines the extent of your wellbeing.

It is so easy to get caught up in the message of doom and gloom because we are bombarded with it multiple times a day from so many sources that we could begin to believe that it is true. You are the one that determines what is true for you, and, as I have said many times, “Where your focus goes, energy flows.”

Really, all it comes down to is allowing the flow of life in your own space. Being able to discern what is your level of responsibility to change or accept or what you must just turn over to a higher power. This gift of discernment is precious because it can keep you from getting swept into the energy field of panic or depression.

Make a list of what you truly want your world to look like. You don’t need to consider how your dreams will all come about, you just need to have a dream of what you want your world to feel and be like. Make yourself a list of what is important to you and then put your thoughts out into the Universe to be manifested. How it will happen is not up to you; you just must decide what it is that you want. I remember several years ago, in the summer, walking outside in my yard and declaring to the 3 a.m. night sky what I wanted for the world.

I shouted to the moon, ‘Please, I want peace for all, abundance for all, I want the beauty of nature, I want lots of soothing music. I want freedom from disease for all. Everyone should have enough food to eat and decent shelter with proper clothing for the elements. I want friendship and connection for each of us. I want pure water and, most of all, I want joy with tons of laughter. I want to feel safe and loved. I want the animals, the waters, the trees, the plants all cherished. I want all of these things for each of us.’

What if we all took time to know ourselves well enough to go out and shout to the moon what we want for our planet. Why don’t we all do that on Dec. 21, 2020. Make a declaration to the Universe out loud so you can hear your own voice declaring your truth. Let us create beautiful change with this loud declaration. How does the Universe know what we want if we don’t shout it out loud and clear? Demand that you release all your negative energy and step into joy.

Blessings to you all. Dove