


I find myself reluctant to give up summer and move into fall. Normally this would not be the case, as I love all seasons of the year, but this year is different. Nothing is the same.

The Broncos are not playing and all the distractions and pleasures one usually has in the fall are not there. School schedules are random and there is no familiar routine to ground my energy. So that leaves me with space to create something new I have never done before or I can just be like the trees outside with no resistance. They don’t wonder how to change color or resist the temperature changes—they just go with the wind, lose their leaves, so what; become a different color, no problem. They just send their roots a little deeper into the earth and become quiet inside. No resistance allowed.

Maybe I can take a lesson from the trees and just focus on being quiet inside. I don’t always have to be involved or doing something. I can just walk and feel the beauty around me. I can try and feel the peace of Nature and then become that peace.  A blanket and a good book can consume my energy. Or, I can make a pumpkin pie with perfect crust, maybe some soft gingerbread cookies, and a pot of soup. With all that is going on in the news, I suggest we all take time to not listen to the chaos; that only makes our energy chaotic.

I want to be the calm in the middle of all this. I am aware of all the drama but I am not going to be part of it. The best thing I can do is create a frequency of peace within myself because that is what I want in my world. What you expect is what you get. I am going to expect peace, love, laughter, good health, freedom from restriction and, most of all, integrity. If I want these things, I must become these things.

I will ride my bike until it is too cold and then I will bundle up and walk the hills with love and peace in my heart. I will watch the chipmunks as they continually gather their feast for the coming winter. Nothing can make me part of the chaos unless I choose to be.

Love to you all as we venture into a new way of being. Be easy on yourself and all those around you.