Idaho Republican Presidential Caucus Update


As you may know, the Idaho Republican State Central Committee, held in Challis, placed the upcoming presidential election in the powerful hands of the parties through an overwhelming vote. Each party will be tasked with creating its own caucus. This allows Idaho Republicans to vote before Super Tuesday. A resolution was passed urging the Legislature to reinstate the March presidential primary; however, should that not pass, the caucus serves as a plan to bolster the candidate selection process.
Saturday, March 2, was the date of the Idaho Republican Presidential Nominating Caucus, with doors opening at high noon, 12 p.m. MST.
In Blaine County, the caucus was held at three locations, with Nicholas Purdy presiding as Blaine County Republican Presidential Caucus coordinator.
North Valley Caucus for Precincts 1–4
(Ketchum, Sun Valley and North Blaine County) held at the American Legion Hall on Cottonwood Street in Ketchum.
Mid-Valley Caucus covered Precincts 5–13
(Hailey and Bellevue) at the Community Campus in the well-known Minnie Moore Room on Fox Acres Road in Hailey.
Picabo, Gannett and Carey Caucus finished with Precincts 14–16
at the Picabo Angler on Highway 20 in Picabo.
Who’s Running?
After four candidates—Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, Chris Christie, and Ryan L. Binkley—withdrew, there are two on the ballot for the Republicans, Donald J. Trump and Nikki Haley
The results will be announced in a press release and for more information and engagement visit