Wood River High’s Benjamin Boccabella Receives 2023 Congressional Award


Benjamin Boccabella, a student at Wood River High School, has earned the 2023 Congressional Award Gold Medal.

   In June, Bocabella was recognized at the 2023 Gold Medal Summit in Washington, D.C. During the event, gold medalists had the opportunity to meet with members of Congress.

   Established by law in 1979, the award aims to inspire American youth with four program areas: voluntary public service, personal development, physical fitness, and expedition/exploration.

   To earn the medal, each participant must complete 400 hours of voluntary public service, which requires them to contribute their time to community improvement. Additionally, participants must log 200 hours of personal development, where they explore or enhance their talents, hobbies or interests. They also must complete 200 hours of physical fitness activities that promote their overall health. Furthermore, participants immerse themselves in a new environment or culture for five days and four nights.

   Boccabella has been working to achieve the award for more than two years—the minimum time frame to earn the medal.

   “Benjamin has truly earned this incredible honor,” said Julia Grafft, principal of Wood River High School. “This medal requires an immense amount of self-discipline and determination. We are incredibly proud of Benjamin and we cannot wait to see what he goes on to accomplish in his future.”

   To learn more about the Congressional Award, visit https://www.congressionalaward.org.