Secrets From The Magic Swan

swan on blue lake water in sunny day, swans on pond, nature series

My daughter has a very strong personality and when she was growing up she often times could not find a solution to issues with her friends. When I put her to bed at night, I would tell her a story about this magic swan that had a problem very similar to hers and the magic swan could always find a kind solution. Mom was not someone to take advice from, but she could hear the magic swan. As she grew up and went to college, she sent me a lovely composition called “Secrets From the Magic Swan.” It goes like this: 1. Nothing is permanent. 2. Be still and know. 3. Passion plus action equals satisfaction. 4. The only security you can really have is your grounded self. 5. Be true to yourself, but respectful of others. 6. Be here now. 7. Think before you speak. 8. Maintain the mystery. 9. Go Forward with confidence.
As I go back and review these jewels of wisdom, I ask myself, can I follow them under trying conditions? For instance, what if we had actual space beings come for a visit. Would I go into fear and become combative or would I have an open mind, stay grounded and let my higher self guide me on my path? After all, nothing will ever stay the same. Can I change peacefully with each new event? What if our planet passed through a photon belt and we had no sun, or moon, or stars for a few days. Would I panic or would I always be prepared for unusual and new events?
Do I take responsibility for having all I need in supply to sustain those I love in the case of strange and new adventures? As we move into the events of 2024, I suggest that we all open our minds, get really in touch with any fears we hold, and accept them. Then do what you can to prepare for new realities. Our planet is a growing, living, changing being. In order to grow with it, we must change and grow also. Accept our fears, explore them, and then have the faith to know you are loved beyond measure and you will be guided in all instances. This would be my way of dealing with such changes, I hope.
We never know how we would react until faced with new circumstances, but we can hope we will breathe deeply, ground ourselves and move into peace and love no matter what. Hold truth and love in your heart and you will always be prepared for change. Always be true to yourself and think before you react.
Life is a gift and the purpose is joy. Go forward with confidence and know nothing is permanent. Change is inevitable. Blessings, Dove