IIntention with Actions



As I was driving my almost-teenage grandson home from school the other day, I asked him if I should make eggnog for Christmas. He replied, “Yes, and quiche and cinnamon rolls and pies!” This made my heart smile as truly I do love to bake. The next day I was at a dental appointment, and I checked with my dentist to see if he wanted his normal Christmas treat and his response was affirmative.

At this time in our history, where sugar has been declared a villain, I questioned the wisdom of giving sugary treats. I thought about the energy I put into the creation of such items, and I know my heart loves every moment of preparation. I remember with such joy as a child raptly watching as my mom make homemade candies. She truly was a candy master and I waited anxiously to lick the pan. I learned well from her.

Now, as I am retired from an 8-to-5 job, my thoughts go to, How can I show appreciation for those who continue to clerk in the stores, pick up my garbage, deliver my mail; I go back to my roots of giving gifts from my kitchen. I hope they bring as much joy to the receivers as I get from making them.

I made a list the other night when I woke up about all the things I cherish during this time of year, and I called it my gratitude list. I think I shall post it on pretty paper and look at it often all year long. I love the smell of pine and fir trees, the pink blossoms on my Christmas cactus, Christmas music from Hauser playing on his cello, walking in the snow, the twinkling lights the neighbors have across the street, the plethora of multi-colored lights about halfway to Hailey on Highway 75, old Bing Crosby and Jimmy Stewart holiday movies, flannel sheets, down comforters, stars, the silence in the middle of the night, and the humor of sharing an online Advent calendar with my sister-in-law. We play all the games and challenge each other to find each of the special effects within the game.

But maybe most of all I love the ability to feel filled with love as I decide what I will create for those special people in my life. The gifts I give are really for me because the creation of them brings me total fulfillment. So I am thankful for all those in my life that allow me to create for them.

I suggest that no matter what your schedule is, take a moment to consider all the things that make you feel and give gratitude for them.  One of the things special about humanity is the ability to feel with so many different senses. How rich we are in sensation.

I am so grateful for all of you letting me share my memories and those things that fill my soul. My prayer is that you each have time to contemplate the gift of really feeling all experiences presented. Savor life as best you can, for it is a gift of joy. Take time for your heart to just find that emotion of wonder in all things. Keep it simple. Blessings, Dove