Some Days Are Diamonds

Sparkling light round brilliant cut diamond with shadow and glowing lens flares. 3D rendering illustration isolated on white background


John Denver wrote and sang a song, “Some Days are Diamonds.” The next part of the line is, “Some days are stone.”
We have all experienced those days that are hard as stone. What can you do to change the days from stone into diamonds? I have found that almost all my days are diamonds. Maybe because I no longer have my ego looking for the stones. I expect joy and magic every day in just the little things. I no longer need to have the latest and the greatest; peace of mind and giving where I can give brings that warm feeling of being of service. I surround myself with beautiful souls who hold the same energy and also bring me lots of laughter.
As we approach this time of Thanksgiving, I count my blessings daily. I project peace to the whole planet and all living things. Doing this keeps me in the frequency of expectation of good.
I rarely listen to the news, as it focuses on all the pain being inflicted in the world. Instead, I use my every thought to counteract the turmoil that is being created by those that want to control the outcome. Embracing the ability to change and asking to be shown a better way is a practice.
Keep learning something new each day. Your brain will thank you. Change out your routine, change the patterns you drive, make new neural pathways, take courses online. It is amazing how much you can grow each week. Use your body — stretch it, and your mental and physical flexibility will increase.
The worst thing I can imagine would be to have no new magic in my life and to live the same day over and over. We can all contribute in a positive way to each other. Seek to find your gifts, as we all have many, some unknown to us until we discover them.
It is a choice to make you days diamonds. I choose the sparkle of the newness of the day and I ask that for each of us. I pray for peace, truth, justice, health and abundance for each living being. All you have to do is state your intention and that is what you will create.
Here’s to all your delightful manifestations. I know we can move this country, this planet, to a higher existence, but it takes courage to say no more corruption, no more lies, no more manipulation will be tolerated by your soul. Each one of us is a sovereign being but it takes courage, introspection, and prayer to step into your power. Now is the time for all of us to resist the urge to maintain the status quo.
Change is upon us, and you can experience the change as diamonds or stones. The choice is yours.
I bless you all and pray you create diamonds for us all to experience. “What is your gift?”