Education or Indoctrination – Book Report



I have become aware of some of the required reading material and some of the reading material that is given extra points if you choose to read books in a certain list presented at the middle school. I picked up one book that was given extra points and I immediately checked it out on Amazon and decided I wanted to know what was included. The cover was interesting. The book is coded as LBGTQ science fiction. As I read the book recommended for 10-to-12-year-olds, it includes a gay uncle who dies at 32; he was a drag queen who became ill and then he haunts the child. The back of the cover states this is a gender-identity book.

Why is the educational system choosing to recommend literature that is confusing? So I ask you, are we educating children or indoctrinating them? I have watched over the last few years the agenda of sexual identity being promoted by the education system, the entertainment industry and even the medical society. They have found that those individuals who undergo hormone therapy for an extended length of time develop cancer. The body is not meant to be stressed by trying to change it with artificial means. Why are we trying to confuse children by causing them to question what gender they are?

Your body is a sacred space, and it must be treated as such for you to be healthy, mentally, physically and spiritually. You may not be like everybody else, but it is vital that you accept yourself as you are. You have much to give and learn in the body you choose. The only beings who win by confusing the sexual identity of a child are the ones who make a profit from it.

When I was growing up, you were either a boy or a girl. That is still the case. Who you choose to love is an individual expression. So, I plead with the educational system — quit promoting confusion because some system tells you this is necessary.

If we do not become aware of the information that is being pushed at our children, we will lose them to an agenda that only makes life more confusing than it already is. If a child is indoctrinated at an early age into sexuality, it makes them prime prey for pedophiles.

Please wake up, read the back covers of the books your kids come home with and decide if the values being presented to them match yours. The innocence of our children must be protected, or it is too easy for them to become victims. Our children are our most precious resource — take a stand for morality, kindness, truth, and acceptance for all humanity, but don’t promote an agenda that exploits children for profit.

It is not up to the educational systems to influence any child about sex. That is the parents’ realm of responsibility.

The one thing that stands out in the recommended books I have viewed is that the father figure is missing. None of these books represent a whole family unit. The message they put forth is that moms work to support the family and dads aren’t present. Does this kind of literature give you faith or trust in the masculine gender? The men represented are gay, drag queens, drunks or not present. I resent this type of portrayal of family. It may be true for some, but for the most part, I see fathers actively involved with their children. Why emphasize something less? Let us become a society where women and men are equal in caring for the family and return to a balanced position of strength of both sexes. Be aware of what your children are being taught, and why. I love our children. Protect them.

Blessings, Dove