SUN airport passenger advisory

Midmorning Highway 75 traffic near the airport sees only light traffic Tuesday, March 9. That may not be the case for long. Photo credit: Friedman Memorial Airport

Snow is what winter in Sun Valley is all about, and we love getting lots of it. But occasionally, extreme winter weather will affect flights into and out of our airport (SUN). Weather-related diversions into the Friedman Memorial Airport have been drastically reduced thanks to new landing system approach technology. As a result, there will no longer be a winter busing program. If you are traveling by air to SUN this winter, please take these steps to keep informed and updated on your flight status, and plan accordingly.


  • Make sure you have your personal contact information (email, cell phone number) on your airline reservation and use your airline’s App to monitor details on flight status and protocols. There are numerous other apps also available to track flights.
  • Pay close attention to messages from your airline in the event of an extreme weather event that may affect your flight. The airlines will make every effort to assist passengers in the best way possible should an unexpected flight disruption occur.
  • Departing SUN passengers should arrive at the airport at least 2 hours in advance of the scheduled departure, especially during bad weather and busy travel periods.