Spontaneity, Thanksgiving And Courage



Sometimes we are blessed with the gift of spontaneity at exactly the right moment. I learned to trust this gift as a child growing up. The neighborhood I grew up in was filled with members of my own family—aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins and, of course, everyone’s dog.

We would always gather on holidays. Whoever was hosting cooked the main course and everyone else brought the rest. It was truly a joyous time. We brought tables and extra chairs from the church so that there was seating for each of us. The turkey was at least 25 pounds and would feed a large crowd. People who were alone were also invited to partake and be part of our family. We sang the blessing in harmony as most of the people had musical training. The sound of the music literally filled your heart. Gratitude was experienced on a physical level.

I have missed that gathering, as much of the family has transitioned; however, a few years ago I was at work, making a trip to the bank, and I passed a lady on the street who was a stranger. She asked me where there was a good deli to get Thanksgiving dinner. My brain balked at the thought of Thanksgiving dinner from a deli. I don’t think so.

I asked her where she was from and why she had come to Sun Valley. Marion explained that she was alone and always took a trip to someplace different to celebrate Thanksgiving. We had been invited to friends for Thanksgiving and I got on the phone and asked, “How about another guest for Thanksgiving?” My friend, who is an excellent cook, said, “Of course! Who is it?” I gave her the rundown and thus Marion was invited to dinner.

My husband and I picked Marion up at Les Saisons, where she was staying, and promised to bring her back. Now, Marion was in her sixties and can you imagine having the confidence to join people you had never met before for Thanksgiving, in a town where you did not know anyone.  Thanksgiving with 12 of us was delightful, the food superb. It felt good to share our abundance of love, food and friendship.

Maybe we can celebrate Thanksgiving once a month and invite a stranger to share. I think the more we know and learn to trust one another, the greater will be the opportunity for truth and friendship to be experienced. This is where our focus should go if we want peace and caring. I place my focus on my heart and expand that vision to the Universe. Let us all come together and replace separation for whatever reason with an abundance of caring.

Happy Thanksgiving!! We received a beautiful letter of gratitude from Marion two weeks later. I still have it.

Much love, Dove—and may you be filled with thankfulness.