Remember, where your thoughts go, energy flows! We are constantly inundated with mandates, rules, reports, many of which are false, with an agenda of keeping us in fear and keeping us controlled. It takes a genius constantly researching to sort the truth from misinformation. I am done with this type of thinking and behavior.

I had an amazing meditation while doing a joyous bike ride on Saturday. As I was riding, I was given a visual of a frequency band for COVID energy and I was told all I had to do was step up and out of that frequency. I just visually stepped up so that I was no longer in the vibration of COVID information. That felt so freeing and amazing. With that in mind, I became aware of how much energy COVID is consuming for our whole planet. It is the dominant narrative. No wonder it has stuck around for so long. We are keeping it here with our focus and energy. It serves the agenda of those who want to keep us trapped, controlled and afraid.

When we are in fear, we are distracted from all that is going on. We quit thinking for ourselves and we become victims of the media. What if we all just stepped back and took all our energy from COVID? What if we did not worry about whether to mask or not or whether to vax or not vax. What if we left it up to each person to decide what is best for their own mental and physical health and then stepped out of fear? What if we were not made into robots and mandated for everybody to do the same thing. I know many of you will be horrified at the suggestion of people determining their own wellbeing; however, fear is our greatest enemy and prolongs the narrative that is being given. Let’s stop using our physical, mental and emotional energy to continually think about the disease, thus energizing its continued presence. Take your energy back, trust your own immune system, natural immunity is more effective than vax immunity.

As long as we continue to give all of our attention to the presence of COVID, it will stay with us. Change your focus, change the reality that is projected upon us. Eat well, take care of your body, think good thoughts, love yourself, embrace gratitude, exercise routinely. Choose to be healthy! We can subtract our thoughts and focus from this COVID consciousness. It is a place to start and it can’t do any harm.

Where your focus goes, energy flows! Be considerate of those in fear, but hold the energy of health for them and for yourself; otherwise, we will experience variant after variant. Enough is enough. Step up, step out.

Blessings to all of those who face this energy every day. May you be guided to your perfect energy and stay healthy. May everyone involved make their own choices and then deal with the consequences of the choices their souls make. Give up the excuse of stupidity about what to do. Now is the time to educate yourself to find your truth. Don’t leave your life choices up to an outside authority. Earth is the planet of free choice. Are you abdicating yours?