Three Cheers For Our Schools


Because schools are opening this week all across our country, it is a good time to recognize what a great job Blaine County is doing for our kids! All of the schools in our district ranked above average for their grade level. And our alternative high school, Silver Creek, was the highest ranked in the state! Carey Schools were ranked in the 87th percentile, and the new Hemingway STEAM School scored in the 91st percentile.

However, some of the other schools in the district struggle, with large numbers of students who are English Language Learners, but the school board and teachers are working hard in this area. Our school system serves a very diverse population, and there has been a small lessening in the gap in English arts proficiency and mathematics growth in this past year, and efforts are continuing. Your article on August 21 did a fine job of presenting the data, but I wonder why you didn’t include quotes from any school board members, just one candidate?

Let’s recognize what a difficult job our teachers and school staff face, with the variety of student needs and backgrounds, and the fierce competition of social media.

Let’s try to support their efforts, and cheer on their success!

Jeanne T. Cassell

Ketchum resident, and retired Idaho high school teacher and college professor of education