Vote Yes For Article III Amendment


I urge you to vote YES on November 8 for an amendment to Article III of the Idaho Constitution, providing that the Idaho Legislature may review, approve or reject any administrative (agency) rule, thereby ensuring consistency with legislative intent. This is a NONPARTISAN issue. When the Idaho Legislature voted on HJR 5 (this amendment), only four of 105 legislators voted “no”. All legislators representing Legislative District 26 voted “yes”.

On September 17, we celebrate Constitution Day, 229 years after the Constitution signing by 39 brave men. This most influential document of American history and the Bill of Rights were created to limit an omnipotent federal government by creating a balance of power with three branches, so that no individual or group could gain too much control. Over time, the roles of the three branches – Legislative (makes the laws), Executive (enforces the laws), and Judicial (interprets the laws) – have blurred. Agencies (part of the executive branch) are now creating rules (laws) impacting all Americans. We must guarantee that these rules are reviewed by elected officials.

Historically, Idaho statute has prevented agencies from making laws without legislative review. Statutes can be interpreted and changed by a few individuals; changing a statute does not require a vote of all Idaho citizens. With a YES vote to amend Article III of the Idaho Constitution, we will preserve our right to have elected legislators review agency laws. 

In partisan politics, as a retired law enforcement officer and FBI supervisor, as well as father of a Snake River Council Eagle Scout and graduate of West Point who is now a captain in the Army, I respectfully ask you to elect Representative Steve Miller, Dale Ewersen and Alex Sutter – good men all – who will honor the Constitution and Idahoans.

Happy Constitution Day!

Richard Jesinger

Sun Valley resident