Unlearning Old Limits



The picture included with this article is of ice flowers made by the people of Norway who float them down the river. I love this picture and to me this represents a unique use of one’s creative genius and the beauty is just amazing. I wanted to share the beauty. This is definitely an example of creating from an unlimited vision of what you can do with water. I ran across a saying the other day that so resonated with me. It states, ”It is impossible to defeat an enemy who has an outpost in your head.” Wow, this is so true.  If we let a negative belief or thought have access to our minds and hearts, we are giving energy to that which we don’t want. Worry is the best example of energizing something you don’t want. It is best not to focus on any of the negative energies that come your way, as where your focus goes, energy flows. We are at a complete revamping of how our lives have been controlled. Ask yourself, Am I afraid of change? Would I rather keep the same old corrupt energies we have been living under, or can I embrace that there might possibly be a more balanced way to proclaim freedom. I know that it takes great courage to give up the old that is known, even if it doesn’t work, than to embrace a whole new way of being. I suggest we all look at the old ways we have adopted and come up with a new way of being with nature, with government, with possible life forms from other universes. The goal is to be able to flow with the energy that is coming in. The more you resist, the greater will be your struggle. Know yourself and be willing to stretch into new thoughts and actions. Just because this is how we always did it does not make it the best solution. People talk about the good old days, but if the good old days were based on old limits and untruths, do we still want to keep them? I am willing to take a deep breath and see where all this new energy is going. I choose to contribute to the new way of being. I have already ordered plants for my garden, even though we have lots of snow on the ground. I believe in a bright, abundant future with amazing food, creativity and relationships that fill my soul. So focus on what you want. Come up with new ways to be. Shift your energy to one of expectation because that will make room for new energy to find you. You are at choice; resist the change and struggle or go with the flow and anticipate the best. You don’t have to stay stuck just because it is familiar energy. Get excited. Plan something new. Let go of the old and expand to your highest self. Blessings, Dove