May Primary Election Candidates

Voters cast their votes in a ballot box. Photo credit: Adobe Stock

Who’s Running In Blaine County


Vote election campaign badge button.

Depending who you talk to, Blaine County is either the bluest county in all of Idaho or the reddest. The time to find out is upcoming and you might be wondering the specifics of who is running, what their party is and all the ensuing deadlines.
The information below comes directly from the people who know. You can see the list online with contact information at

The power is in the hands of the people to elect their representatives. It’s time to make a decision, get out there and change the landscape as you see fit.

Early Voting

Early voting for the May Primary Election is April 29 through May 17.
Early voting begins the fourth Monday (three weeks prior) of an election.
Early voting takes place on the first floor of the Blaine County Courthouse, Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.

The last day for early voting is always the Friday before the election.

Sample Ballots can be found at

Who’s Running in the May 2024 Election

Commissioner District 1:

Chris Johnson (D)
Lindsay Mollineaux (D)

Commissioner District 3:

Angenie McCleary (D)


Morgan Ballis (D)
Steve Harkins (D)
Aaron Hughston (R)

Prosecuting Attorney

Matt Fredback (D)


Blaine County has 16 voter precincts.
Polls are open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Early voting starts April 29 and continues until the Friday before the election.
You may request an absentee ballot until May 10. All ballots have to be cast before 8 p.m. Absentee ballots must be received by the elections office by May 21.

Precinct Committeeman Chairs on the Ballot – Democrat

01 North Blaine County – Candice Stark (D)
02 Sun Valley LeRoy – Hayes (D)
04 South Ketchum GG – Luke (D)
05 Quigley – Chantal Westerman (D)
06 Deer Creek – Lara McLean (D)
07 NW Hailey – Dana DuGan (D)
08 NE Hailey – Patricia Dorr (D)
10 NW Woodside Pedro Manuel Miramontes Ortíz (D)
11 SE Woodside – Karen Bliss (D)
12 Poverty Flats – Linda McMahon (D)
15 Gannett / Picabo – Pamela Ridgway (D)

Precinct Committeeman Chairs on the Ballot – Republican

01 North Blaine County – Darcy Creech (R)
02 Sun Valley Adam – Chafetz (R)
03 North Ketchum – Jill Williams (R)
04 South Ketchum – Juanita Young (R)
05 Quigley -– Maria Gerhardt (R)
06 Deer Creek – Brian Opp (R)
07 NW Hailey – Phil Rainey (R)
08 NE Hailey – Heather Lauer (R)
09 SW Hailey -– Debbie ONeill (R)
11 SE Woodside -– Andrea Parker (R)
12 Poverty Flats – Shawn Grow (R)
13 Bellevue -– John Casey (R)
14 Carey – Sherie Taylor (R)
15 Gannett / Picabo – Nicholas Purdy (R)

Senators & House Representatives

District 26

State Senator
Ron Taylor (D)
Kala Tate (I)
Laurie Lickley (R)

State House of Representatives

District 26 Seat A

Ned W Burns (D)
Kally Schiffler (R)
Mike Pohanka (R)

District 26 Seat B

Chris Hansen (D)
Lyle Johnstone (R)
Jack Nelsen (R)

Absentee Voting
Request an absentee ballot online at

Absentee ballots are available for all elections.