Trailing of the Sheep “Starry Starry Night”

Roughly 1,800 sheep will traverse Ketchum’s Main Street during the 26th annual Trailing of the Sheep Festival, a popular, landmark event in the Valley which recently garnered recognition by as one of its “Top Ten Fall Festivals in the World.” Photo credit: Carol Waller

The Argyros Performing Arts Center will be hosting a benefit for the Trailing of the Sheep Festival on August 29. The “Starry Starry Night” event starts at 6 p.m and there will be auction items, cocktails, a raffle and a lamb dinner, along with some other surprises.

The Trailing of the Sheep Festival’s mission is, “To gather, celebrate, present, and preserve the history and cultures of sheepherding in Idaho and the West.”  Your love of the history, families, animals and the land keep this piece of the Wood River Valley’s heritage alive.