A Fourth Of July To Remember!



There’s an old saying that goes, “It takes a village to raise a child.” While this saying is certainly true, there’s another version of this adage that’s also apropos:

“It takes a village to put on a parade.”

The 140th anniversary of the Hailey Days of the Old West Parade was another terrific one—thanks to a lot of effort, talent and time from countless members of our inspiring community.

An estimated record crowd of thousands lined Main Street, while one of the biggest and longest parades in years made its way past. There were more than 80 entries, many of which had numerous elements to their floats. It took nearly an hour and half for all the floats and decorated flatbeds, the horses and bicycles, the fire trucks and police cars to pass by.

It was all made possible thanks to lots of great folks, but The Chamber would especially like to thank:

Jane Dyndiuk—“Miss Jane” is the MVP of this year’s Fourth of July; Chamber Board President Annie McCauley; Board members Sarah Benson, Allison Kindred, Marlon Peck and their team of volunteers; Kayla Nisson, Amy McCabe and Brooke McKenna, as well as Raiza Giorgi and the irreplaceable (and tireless) Geegee Lowe—a well-deserved member of this year’s Heritage Court.

The Chamber would also like to thank Chief Steve England’s Hailey Police Department, Chief Mike Baledge’s Hailey Fire Department, and Kelly Schwarz and the City of Hailey’s all-star crew. A big thanks also goes out to all those who made donations to support the Fourth of July festivities and fireworks, especially: Clear Creek Disposal, Friedman Memorial Airport, G & G Landscaping, H Property Services, Sun Valley Board of Realtors and Visit Idaho.

Congratulations to this year’s Fourth of

July parade winners:

Best Horse Group: Sawtooth Rangers

Best Overall Float: Sun Valley Youth Hockey

Best Nonprofit: Camp Rainbow Gold

Most Creative: Mountain Humane

Most Patriotic: Diesel Ward

All photos by Carol Waller.