When my previous sister-in-law was in elementary school, her teacher asked her what her last name was. My future sister-in-law responded, “Timm.” The teacher then asked, “How do you spell “Timm?” She responded, “Sgat,” or something to that effect. The teacher informed her that that did not spell “Timm.” My future sister-in-law stated, ”But that is how I want to spell it.”

This is where we find ourselves now. We can’t communicate with one another because there is no common reference point of understanding. If you don’t get someone’s pronoun right, you are a racism or something worse. Haven’t we had enough of confusion due to over-activity of the individual ego’s needing to be special?

You are born with a specific gender due to your anatomy structure, and now, as an adult, how you want to express that is up to you, but as a child you need to be allowed to learn who you are, not be pressured into some kind of indoctrination that teaches you you are in the wrong body. Believe it or not, you chose that body and this particular journey. Experience it and then decide as an adult how you want to express it.

My question is, “Why has the focus of information being put out all about sexual identity? Why is the expression of sex what is dominant in our lives according to the media? Sex has its place, but ruling our thoughts and our lives is not its purpose.

However, there is one agenda that can be examined. When you do not know who you are and you are indoctrinated and confused from childhood, you become controlled by the authorities in charge. You have no ability to think for yourself, and if you don’t know even the simplest truth about what is your gender, you have given your God-given power completely away.

I can tell you, you can’t plant a potato in the ground and expect it to produce peas. It won’t happen. You can’t put two male goats together and expect your herd of goats to increase. What is going on? Let us get back to simple truths. How you spell a word in the English language needs to be consistent if we are to communicate; otherwise, we have no commonality to reference from.

How you express your gender is up to you. Your sexuality is your business, not mine, but don’t expect me to intuit your choices. We have to have a few simple truths to base our existence on that we can all relate to. Can we let children be children and get the pornography out of the school libraries? I verified that they are there.

Quit making gender the most important focus and replace that energy with compassion, kindness, wisdom and knowledge of how nature works. Plant peas, get peas. Reduce the sexual agenda constantly presented.

What are we teaching when a student is punished for making a true statement? Our country was established on freedom of speech. Let’s laud truth and tame the egos so we can become united in our truths that agree with nature. Drop the separation being forced upon us. Choose to be in control, not a victim. Guys are guys and girls are girls. Dove, sometimes a hawk, so leave the children alone. Blessings