Documentary ‘Facing Fear’ to screen in Sun Valley


Facing Fear is a film that details one man’s global search to find ways to handle his fear.

After receiving some devastating news, Australian film director Bill Bennett sought out some of the world’s leading experts in fear management. He wanted to understand how fear worked, and how to best manage it.

The film features such luminaries as Dr Joe Dispenza, Dr Bruce Lipton, Caroline Myss, Paul Selig, Lee Carroll (Kryon), James Van Praagh, Foster Gamble, Sister Jenna and Dr Dean Radin, amongst many others. It examines fear from the perspectives of scientifically, biologically, emotionally, culturally and spiritually.

But it’s also a deeply personal film too. As Bill Bennett says: “I started my journey choked with fear. Now I’m no longer afraid.”

The film features stunning footage of Tasmania, depicting scenes that are both rugged and beautiful in equal measure, reflecting the often-misunderstood subject matter of fear.

Facing Fear is the sequel to Bill Bennett’s highly acclaimed film on intuition, PGS – Intuition is your Personal Guidance System, which screened to sell-out audiences in Idaho five years ago.