Sheriff Warns Motorists Of Dangerous Unsecured Loads

A truck with an unsecured load scatters cinder blocks across Hwy .75. Photo credit: Blaine County Sheriff’s Office

The Blaine County Sheriff’s Office took to social media last week to remind motorists that unsecured loads are dangerous and can result in costly repairs, injuries, and accidents. 

“We have had a few incidents recently of debris in the roadway. This week a truck deposited cinder blocks on the highway that resulted in flat tires for four other vehicles. If this had happened at night, it could have caused serious accidents or worse,” the Sheriff’s Office said.

Blaine County code prohibits any person to operate or cause to operate any vehicle on a highway without sufficiently securing the load within the vehicle to prevent loose material from leaving the vehicle by flying, bouncing off, shifting, drifting, falling out of, or otherwise becoming unattached. Depending on the circumstances, you can be cited with an infraction or a misdemeanor.