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A Letter to the Editor

A Letter to the Editor
State Senator Michelle Stennett. Photo credit: State of Idaho

Editor’s Note: What follows is a letter written by state Sen. Michelle Stennett (Democrat, District 26).

Blaine County has had a voice in policymaking and leadership in the Idaho Statehouse, primarily in the Idaho State Senate, for just short of 60 years. Perception about the economics, culture, and politics of Blaine County around the state and in the Capitol are, often, inaccurate. The county enjoys an economic blend of tourism, recreation, agriculture, and world-recognized events. It is an extraordinarily diverse place that is best represented by people who have a deep respect for, an appreciation of, and an understanding/knowledge of its citizens. 

When elected, we must serve everyone, not a party, not one group. When silenced, ignored, or shut out of proper constitutional process, everyone loses their voice, all parties. Blaine County could be forgotten and ignored in policymaking decisions if we are represented by those who do not know our county. In these difficult times, we cannot hand over that power, that voice.

Our new legislative district now includes Blaine, Lincoln, and Jerome counties. It has been quoted by others outside of Blaine County that they do not have anything in common with our county. They have expressed that they do not want to represent or understand our economy or needs. 

“As a Jerome County resident, I’ve got some reservations,” she said. “Statutorily the commission is bound to put together communities of interest. Jerome County’s base is really agricultural, and Blaine County’s base is recreation and tourism. I’m having trouble finding a common interest there.” (quoted by District 26 Senate candidate Laurie Lickley in the Twin Falls Times News, dated November 14, 2021).

This is a critical moment to stand strong, defend your values, support candidates who have lived here for years, who are our friends and know our diverse communities far better than those candidates who have never represented our district.

As your Senator, it has been a privilege to serve all sides unrelentingly, from a position of knowledge, leadership, and conviction. Take this election seriously and vote for Ron Taylor for the Idaho Senate and Ned Burns and Karma Metzler Fitzgerald for the Idaho House of Representatives.