Fire District, Department To Host Sept. 14 Open House

The new pumper/tender engine at Greenhorn Fire Station. Photo credit: Sun Valley Fire Department

The North Blaine County Fire District and Sun Valley Fire Department are inviting constituents to a Sept. 14 open house and dedication ceremony for its new fire engine at Greenhorn Fire Station, 95 Fire Station Drive in Hailey. The District has just taken delivery of a brand new pumper/tender. Attendees can take ‘tours’ of the engine, learning about how the new asset serves the community. There will be a dedication ceremony at 5 p.m.

The event is an opportunity to meet area fire chiefs, learn about the North Blaine County Fire District and its plan to build more low-cost housing for Valley-based first responders, and what it takes to become a paid on-call firefighter. The event runs from 4 to 7 p.m.