2021 Nursing Award Winner Named Senior Manager

Nurse Amber Weber Photo credit: St. Luke’s Nurse Amber Weber. Photo credit: St. Luke’s

Amber Weber, MSN-Ed, BSN, RNC-NIC, NPD-BC, who was awarded the 2021 Carl A. Gray Memorial Award for nursing excellence, has recently been named as the Senior Manager of St. Luke’s Wood River Family Medicine, Family Practice Associates and Wood River Neurology.  

In addition to her previous role as Clinical Educator at St. Luke’s Wood River (SLWR), Weber stepped up as lead for the COVID-19 vaccination effort for employees and the community. Weber, her husband Justin, and their son Jackson, moved here in October 2019 before the pandemic started; they had just started to get to know people when everything shut down. Justin was one of the earliest COVID cases. Weber’s father was then diagnosed with cancer, and at the same time, she was tasked with leading education for cross-training staff in preparation for a surge in patients. After putting out those fires, Weber really felt it was important to help support the community and she found herself leading the COVID-19 vaccine clinics.  

Weber commented on her new role, “I am looking forward to learning more about ambulatory and primary care after working in a hospital setting for 20-plus years. I am excited to be a part of St. Luke’s ongoing work to provide care and support of people out in the community so we can do our utmost to keep them out of the hospital.” 

She added, “I will deeply miss my hospital family.”