Kayak expedition journal with a cup of tea on a rustic picnic table- handwriting and drawing in pencil. Travel log from paddling trip across north eastern Poland written by me, photographer, in August 1974.


Several years ago I decided to keep a list of small miracles that happened in my life on a daily basis. I knew that I would easily forget them if I did not write them down. I made a folder in my computer for small miracles and I keep adding to the list. It is amazing how the list grows. The more I notice the magic, the more the magic happens. When I am frustrated, or just not in the right space, I go to the folder and just read what I have recorded. I immediately realize how blessed and protected we all are if we just take a deep breath and observe the magic in our lives. It can be as small as needing a key to open a door when your hands are full and someone comes along with a key to the door and opens it for you. Or, it can be as large as finding a gift at your front door of angel wind chimes after you have experienced a huge falling out with a family member. The person who left the wind chime just stated, “I didn’t even know I had this but I just felt I needed to bring this to you today.” Little did she know that my heart was deeply hurting, for I had not told her, but she had picked up on my energy and brought me healing. I knew then that everything would turn out all right as she had given me a tangible sign that I was being helped in so many ways.

I don’t think any of us gets to avoid conflict during our lives. People handle conflict in many ways—some get angry and go to unforgiveness, some pretend it doesn’t exist, others try to heal the storm within themselves because that is the only person we can heal. I would suggest that you get a lovely journal and start keeping a diary of small miracles in your life. You can never tell when you need the inspiration to lift you up.

I am watching as the whole world is in prayer for the ending of the problems that are going on. I think this is a miracle, as all people in all countries are saying “No more war!” If we are all united together, we can change the energy of war to one of peace. I truly believe that much is going to be exposed as the truth of literally centuries of manipulation and greed surface. Connecting to the earth is a must if we are going to stay in a place of balance with ourselves and the planet. Plant a garden, walk barefoot on the earth, make the people at the post office a batch of cookies, as I don’t think they get Christmas bonuses. Find a place to spread your love for no reason but, most of all, hold your personal energy in a place of peace. The overall frequency of the earth is what we will manifest.

I would say at least 99% of the people on the planet just want peace, laughter, good health, abundance enough for a home, food and love. If you want it, you have to be it first in your heart, then in your life. Remember, things are not always as they seem. Oft times the bad guys loudly proclaim the guilt of the good guys in order to hide the real truth. What do you want?  Where is your focus? Hold the energy you want to see manifest. We are peace, truth, justice, kindness and hope. Hold onto those things. Live them, be them and we will overcome. Much love, Dove