Hailey Puts Restrictions On Dog-Friendly Trails


The City of Hailey in conjunction with the Bureau of Land Management Shoshone Field Office and Wood River Land Trust are implementing a no-dog restriction for the uphill activities in Red Devil/Hangman/Quigley/Cutter hillsides and Olympia Gulch immediately east of the Woodside neighborhood. Dog walkers can continue to use Quigley Road, the northern section of the Quigley loop trail, the flat trails at the base of the hills in Cutters and the Woodside Toe Of The Hill trail.

The restriction is intended to minimize impacts to wintering deer and elk beginning immediately and will remain in effect until further notice. Signs have been posted at all main access points.

Winter is difficult on wildlife and recreation with dogs off-leash in particular can increase stress on deer and elk. Dogs resemble a coyote or wolf, both of which have been natural predators of deer and elk for thousands of years. Restricting dogs from hillsides is a first step in protecting wildlife from human and dog disturbances.

For additional information, see the wildlife smart communities website, https://wrvwildlifesmart.org/seasonal-restrictions-for-wildlife/ or contact BLM Outdoor Recreation Planner John Kurtz at (208) 732-7296, City of Hailey Community Development Director Lisa Horowitz at (208) 788-9815 or Wood River Land Trust Lands Program Manager Keri York at (208) 788-3947.