Lately, I have been thinking a lot about trees and what a gift they are to our lives. John Denver performed a song with the muppets about trees and Christmas that pretty much says it all for me. “Alfie,” the tree, is happy with things the way they are. He loves the animals, bugs, birds and all the critters of the forest, yet he doesn’t look down on twinkling lights and Christmas trees. In the song, Alfie just wants us to be aware and say a pray for the wind, the water, woods and all who live there too. Alfie reminds us that the love for all things is inside each of us, but we must nurture that, for in nurturing all of nature, we also nurture ourselves.

I have so often used trees as a way of cleaning my energy field. Whenever I get stressed about anything, I go find myself a big rock or a tree with room for me to stand underneath. I wrap my arms around it and just let the excess energy run down from my arms and feet into the earth. Oftentimes, it feels like the tree just hugs me back and replaces all the stress with peace.

How many beings do you know that you can simply be yourself and be totally accepted with whatever energy you are holding? A tree is always there for you and they are very good listeners. They also know how to keep all your information private. Rocks will do the same. I would wish for all of us this holiday season to find a place of peace, to step out of all the chaos and claim the world we want to embrace. Subtract all energy from disease, poverty, crime, injustice. Declare for this time to be a time of grace, peace, joy and connection. Where your focus goes, energy will surely flow.

I sometimes find myself in a weak moment playing in my mind a possible drama that might happen. I have asked Source to remove all such tendencies from my heart and mind, for I truly do not want drama. Laughter is that which fills my soul. I asked to be surrounded by those that make me laugh, accept me as I am, and together we can go forward with laughter leading the way.

Bless all the trees and rocks and creatures of the woods. Their beauty can fill your soul. Say a prayer for the snow, wind and waters, too. Pray for the governments of all nations to put the people, all people, first. We can shift the direction our world is headed in. It only takes 51% of us praying for good to create change. Look up the 100th Monkey effect and then become the change you want to feel. We can raise our vibrations but we must make the choice. Lift yourself out of the drama, declare your freedom and sovereignty, for this is the time to stand for the values you choose. If you just go numb and do nothing, those that are doing something will control your life. Be the change you want and do it with joy. Joy in our world has to be created by us.

Merry Christmas in whatever tradition you choose to celebrate. The energy of love is the same no matter your religion, your gender, your race—choose PEACE.

As Alfie would say, “It’s in every one of us to be free.”

Much love, Dove