Hailey Builds Up Its Green Team


The City of Hailey kicked off its new fiscal year by adding two staff positions to the group charged with ensuring that city projects are environmentally sustainable. Now, the city just needs to fill those spots.

The so-called “Resilience Team” is made up of city department heads, division managers and elected officials. It is charged with developing, recommending, supporting and finding funding for the policies and programs that help achieve the sustainability goals identified by the city. Specifically, the two new staff positions are:

  • City Planner/Resilience Planner
  • Grant Writer/Resilience Implementation 

The eventual two new employees will have subject-matter expertise and the ability to advance a range of environment-friendly goals, including: clean energy, energy efficiency, green building and community design, water conservation, mobility, green fleets, green city operations, sustainable materials management, climate resilience, federal, state and local grants. Successful recruits will assume other duties which enable the practical and direct implementation of the sustainability goals and policies within the day-to-day operations, communications and policy development efforts of Hailey city government.