Ketchum Seeking Historic Preservation Members


Ketchum city leadership is trying to build up the panel that will be in part responsible for keeping old buildings up. The city is reminding residents they have until Friday, Jan. 29, to apply for membership in the Historic Preservation Committee.

The committee will consist of five members from a combination of members of the Planning and Zoning Commission and individuals that have a demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in history or historic preservation and/or architecture. Members will be appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council.

The committee’s work is to protect the historic character of the city’s community core by establishing the List of Historic Buildings and reviewing and evaluating applications for proposed demolition or alteration of structures on the historic building list.

HPC has the authority to approve or deny an application for demolition or alterations to a structure on the historic building list. In addition, using criteria outlined in the interim ordinance, HPC can determine to add or remove structures from the historic building list.

Interested individuals should provide a letter of interest to