Fishing Report


We have reached the epitome of summertime fishing in the Sun Valley area. Low light dominates when fishing hatches… hoppers are still a good afternoon fly, and small nymphs and attractors will get it done in the heat as well.

The Trico Spinner Falls in the morning is still the activity most anglers are after. The morning feeding frenzy can be a special event on the right day… which, right now, is most days! The wind is normally the deciding factor. The best fishing is from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., but get on the water early. You can find this action on Silver Creek, the upper and lower Lost rivers and the Big Wood. Search the flat-water areas and foam lines for rising fish.

When the heat and the wind come up during the day, get your Hoppers out. We have been having great luck with the Thunder Thigh and Club Sandwich patterns. Everywhere but Silver Creek we suggest using a dropper fly as well if catch rate is important to you. It is common to use a Hopper / Dropper setup in the Kilpatrick Pond section of the Creek.

Evenings throughout the Valley probably offer the best fishing and the least fish time of the day. Multitudes of bugs spin as the sun sets, laying their eggs on the water and dying. This, coupled with low light, really gets the fish going. Try Hopper patterns in the evening as well as a Rusty Spinner in a variety of sizes. The Hackle Stacked Rusty Spinner is a favorite.

It is also Caddis time of year on our freestone streams, so be sure to have your Elk-Hair Caddis, some Hemingway Caddis and Fixed-Wing Caddis. These flies fished in the dying light of the river corridor can produce magical moments.

The rivers these days are busier than we have ever seen them. Let us all continue to take pride in our angling community. Let us continue to talk at access points and on the water. Let’s treat one another with respect and space. One more fish isn’t going to change your day but making a new friend on the water or taking a minute to help your fellow angler out are. There are only two paths on the river, upstream and downstream; internally, we have kindness or rudeness. These are easy choices to make. Please be kind.


Happy fishing, everyone!