Magic Moments



The gift of magic moments is an event that makes each day special. I keep a list on my computer of all the magic moments that have occurred or are occurring in my life each day. I make a point to reread these moments on a frequent basis because it reminds me of all the GRACE that exists each day of our lives. We often get so busy or distracted by all the news that we forget to look for those special events, no matter how small, that occur in our lives.

Many years ago my son gave me a sky chair for Mother’s day. If you do not know what a sky chair is, look it up, because just sitting in a sky chair creates a time of suspended reality. You have complete support in your sky chair—a foot rest, arm rests, your whole body is supported—yet, you are not touching the ground in any way and you have that luscious swinging motion that relaxes even the most stressed of bodies. You can even have a drink holder as part of your sky chair.

The perfect time for me in my sky chair is about 10 a.m. The sun is just coming over the hill and warms the area of the porch from which my chair is suspended. I take my tea and my meditations out to my chair, suspend myself, close my eyes, and start to swing. I become at peace. I feel filled with the love of all things—nature, my family, my home, my country. I feel blessed.

For many years I did not have the luxury of being home at 10 a.m., except on the weekends, and now I do. I cherish each moment that I get to experience this peace. Today, as I was sitting in my chair, a hummingbird came within 6 inches of my face and just hovered, looking me in the eye as if to say, “See, it is the little things that bring such joy. I am a sign of joy, so remember to seek yours each moment, and remember them, for they are fleeting and so easy to forget.”

Bless each breath you take and declare that you and your life are gifts to all of existence. Know that each of us is vital to the energy of the earth and beyond.

Write down a magic moment every day, no matter how small, because when you need to be uplifted, you can go to your list and be fulfilled. You are each precious. Bless all of nature with your energy.

Life is a gift. The purpose is joy. Find yours.