Fishing report

Hwy 20 in Picabo

As our weather in the Valley heats up, the prime fishing windows on local waters will occur during the early morning and late evening. In the middle of the day, hatches will start to taper off, but we’ll have good hopper and terrestrial fishing, especially on breezy days.

We’re seeing good numbers of Tricos on Silver Creek, and the bugs will increase in intensity as the month goes on. Be on the water early! Have a good selection of Para Tricos, Clearwing Spinners, Quigley Stackers, and CDC Biot Comparaduns in sizes 20 through 24. Long, light leaders and drag-free downstream drifts are required when fishing these tiny bugs, as is a good bit of patience. When all else fails, a tiny Renegade or Parachute Ant is a great way to show the fish a little something different during the blizzard of Tricos.

There are still good numbers of small BWOs (size 20–24) on the Creek in the mornings and evenings, as well as a smattering of PMDs (size 16–20). Fishing a small Rusty Spinner during the last hour of daylight can pay big dividends this time of year.

The Callibaetis action has been picking up, as well. Look for these bugs during the late morning and early afternoon, and have a good selection of emergers, duns, and spinners in size 14–18.

Fish are keying in on damsels at times on the Creek. Swinging damsel nymphs and fishing adult imitations along floating weed mats is effective.

Of course, beetles and ants will work all season on the Creek, and hoppers are starting to take fish. Start your fishing with small hoppers, and fish larger patterns as the season progresses. Right now, it’s hard to beat a size 10 Morrish Hopper in tan, yellow or pink.

The Big Wood River and upper Big Lost River system are fishing extremely well, with a variety of insects currently on the menu. Caddis, PMDs, Flavs, Pink Alberts, Yellow Sallies, and small tan Stoneflies are common. Fishing small attractor dries and dropper nymphs is the way to go. Parachute Adams, Purple Haze, PMX, Stimulators, and Elk-Hair Caddis are good bets for the dry, and size 16–20 Copper Johns, Zebra Midges, and Duracells are excellent droppers.

The Salmon River and South Fork Boise River both remain at good floating levels, and the fish are looking up.

Happy fishing, everyone!