Helping Our Community



The silver lining of the recent COVID crisis is that it has brought out the best in our community. Blaine County has answered the call President John F. Kennedy made many decades ago: “And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.”

From our smaller, individual gestures of staying home and social distancing to larger ones like what the team at Hailey Coffee Company (HCC) has been doing.

The “Make a Difference for Breakfast” program was born out of a simple desire by HCC owner Santos Serva to see what he could do for our community.

“It’s been a hard time,” Santos said about the coronavirus. “I know a lot of people are in need. So I thought, hey, how can I help?”

So Santos and his friend and business advisor, Warren Benjamin, came up with ‘Make a Difference at Breakfast.’

Since mid-May, 50 healthy breakfasts a week have gone to feed locals in need through The Hunger Coalition. The breakfasts consist of a fresh granola meal from HCC and a YES BAR from the Ketchum and San Francisco-based company.

“I wanted to do my part and I believe a good, healthy meal will help people start their day on a positive note,” Santos said. “The Hunger Coalition is doing a great job and we are happy to join forces with them.”

To help support the cause, simply support Hailey Coffee Company; stop by for a cup of locally brewed coffee or grab some freshly baked snacks or one of their new salads. You can also pick up YES BARs at either HCC location or order online at

“Our community is awesome. We are always trying to do whatever we can to help each other,” said Santos, who now has a second Hailey Coffee Company location on Sun Valley Road in Ketchum.

Another great way to help honor our community is to take part in this year’s unique Hailey Fourth of July Parade. It’s open to anyone and locals are encouraged to decorate their vehicles and bicycles and join in. The parade starts at the Community Campus at high noon and will wander through Deerfield, out to the Wood River Middle School, through Old Hailey and back to the Community Campus.

There will also be viewing spaces at the large fields by the middle school and a few parks, including Deerfield and Foxmoor.

In addition to the parade, Hailey will also host the Antique Fair at Roberta McKercher Park and the Wood River Land Trust will offer a special reimagined RiverFest with ‘Story Stations’ set up at the Draper Wood River Preserve. Some Hailey restaurants like The Mint will also offer live music in the afternoon and the usual big fireworks show will end the day.

To see the parade map, to register or to find out more information about this year’s special Fourth of July celebration, please go to or call (208) 788-3484.