Empowering Our Next Generation


By Monica Carrillo


Monica Carrillo plays and sings. Photo credit: courtesy of Monica Carrillo

I never imagined myself playing for events or singing in front of people, even after I wrote my song “Dreamer,” but Herbert Romero encouraged me enough to do so.

Romero and I met at the first annual Hailey Hispanic Heritage event that he was hosting back in 2018 and, to be completely honest, I thought it was going to be a one-time thing. But it wasn’t. He kept inviting me back to sing for events around the community, like for the Hailey Rotary Club, and the Latinx Festival in Twin Falls. And each time I always felt so honored to take part of something.

Romero has truly brought not only a light to my music, but to who we are as a Hispanic family. He continuously teaches us the importance of our culture and helps students, adults, and everyone in between in such an impactful way without tearing anyone down. It has been a pleasure to be able to work alongside him and, most importantly, watch him build students up, as he seems to know our potential before we do.

Herbert Romero has completely changed my life with his positivity and kind words, and I know he will continue to do so for others in our community.


Nunca me imaginé tocando para eventos o cantando frente a la gente, incluso después de escribir mi canción “Dreamer,” pero Herbert Romero me animó lo suficiente como para hacerlo.

Romero y yo nos conocimos en el primer evento anual de la Herencia Hispana que estaba organizando en 2018, y para ser completamente honesto, pensé que sería algo único. Pero no fue así. Seguía invitándome a cantar para eventos en toda la comunidad, como el Club Rotario Hailey y el Festival Latinx en Twin Falls. Y cada vez, siempre me sentí muy honrada de formar parte de algo.

Romero realmente ha traído, no solo una luz a mi música, sino a quiénes somos como familia Hispana. Continuamente, nos enseña la importancia de nuestra cultura y ayuda a los estudiantes, adultos y a todos en el medio de una manera tan impactante sin derribar a nadie. Ha sido un placer poder trabajar junto a él y, lo más importante, verlo construir estudiantes, ya que parece conocer nuestro potencial antes que nosotros. Herbert Romero ha cambiado por completo mi vida con su positividad y palabras amables, y sé que continuará haciéndolo para otros en nuestra comunidad.

Nuestra Voz Cuenta (Our Voice Counts) is a guest advertorial hosted by Herbert Romero and sponsored by Kiki Tidwell.