

Wed Feb 26

Intermediate Spanish

12-1PM / Community Library / Ketchum

Practice Spanish in fun and useful situations. This high-novice to mid-intermediate class will offer you opportunities to converse, read, listen and watch authentic materials in Spanish. Free, and drop-ins are welcome.

Drop-In ACT/SAT Study Groups 

4-5PM / Community Library / Ketchum

The Community Library will offer free, drop-in, tutored ACT/SAT study groups. Students meet weekly through April 29 at The Community Library. The study groups will also be offered at the Hailey Public Library on Mondays. For more information, call (208) 788-2036 or The Community Library, (208) 806-2621.

NAMI Recovery Support

5:30-7PM / Sun Club / Hailey

Women’s meetings second and fourth Wednesday a month. Men’s meetings second and fourth Tuesday a month. Both genders are invited to attend on the first and third Tuesday a month. All meetings are held at The Sun Club, 731 N. 1st Ave., in Hailey.

Taizé Service

5:30PM / St. Thomas Church / Ketchum

Taizé is a weekly candlelit service of meditative silence, song and prayer. Everyone is welcome to attend. St. Thomas Episcopal Church is located at 201 Sun Valley Road.

Building Soil Microbiome

5:30-6:45PM / Hailey Library / Hailey

The Upper Big Wood River Grange, Wood River Seed Library, UI Extension, The Hunger Coalition and Hailey Public Library will present a series of gardening classes. The first will address the quality of the soil we need to cultivate so it has a rich microbiome. For more information, contact Sarah at (208) 788-5585,, or

‘Minidoka’ Screening

6-7:30PM / Community Library / Ketchum

Chief of Interpretation at Minidoka National Historic Site, Hanako Wakatsuki, will speak as a part of the library’s Winter Read. There will be a special screening of the 30-minute film, “Minidoka: An American Concentration Camp,” a National Park Service film, about a group of Japanese Americans and their incarceration by the U.S.

Wed Feb 26-Sat Mar 7

‘The Niceties’

7:30PM / Liberty Theatre / Hailey 
Company of Fools will present “The Niceties” by Eleanor Burgess, with Claudia McCain and Alexis Ulrich, directed by COF producing director, Scott Palmer. When an ambitious young black student meets with her esteemed white professor to go over a paper the student is writing about the American Revolution, the women engage in a discussion about who gets to tell the real story of America. It doesn’t take long for a conversation about grammar and punctuation to move into dangerous territory for which neither is prepared. Tickets are $35 SVMoA member / $40 nonmember / $35 senior (62 and over) / $15 student (with student ID), found online at, or (208) 726-9491.

Thu Feb 27

Snowshoe With A Ranger

11AM / Galena Lodge / Galena

Free weekly Snowshoe with a Ranger tours run through March. Participants will meet on the porch of Galena Lodge before taking a 1.5-mile, 2-hour tour exploring the history of mining at Galena Lodge and the winter ecology and tracking of the snowy landscape. Snowshoes can be rented at Galena Lodge. For more information, call (208) 727-5000.

St. Luke’s Brown Bag

12:15-1:15PM / St. Luke’s WR / Ketchum

St. Luke’s Wood River will offer a brown bag lunch on Raynaud’s syndrome and scleroderma, conditions that affect circulation and sensation, yet each have distinct characteristics in terms of causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Matthew Reeck, dermatologist, will discuss the specifics of each, what someone with a diagnosis can do to manage symptoms, and what treatments a physician might offer. For information, call 208) 727-8733.

Fri Feb 28

Friday Flicks

4PM / Hailey Library / Hailey

Hailey Public Library will present a free family-friendly film with popcorn every Friday. For more information, call (208) 788-2036 or visit

‘Agrippina’ HD Met Opera

4-5PM / Bigwood4 Cinemas / Hailey

Sun Valley Opera and Metropolitan Theatres present “Agrippina,, a production of the 2019/2020 MET HD live opera broadcast from the New York Metropolitan Opera. Doors will open at 10:15 a.m. for coffee from Hailey Coffee Company. Handel’s tale of intrigue and impropriety in ancient Rome, “Agrippina” stars mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato, with Harry Bicket conducting. Sir David McVicar’s production ingeniously reframes the action of this black comedy about the abuse of power, moving it to “the present.” The all-star cast features mezzo-soprano Kate Lindsey as Agrippina’s son and future emperor Nerone, soprano Brenda Rae as the seductive Poppea, countertenor Lestyn Davies as the ambitious officer Ottone, and bass Matthew Rose as the weary emperor Claudius.

Tickets available in advance and at the door for $16.

Sat Feb 29

HCAC: Net Zero Building

5:30-6:30PM / Flourish Foundation / Hailey

Hailey Climate Action Coalition’s free Solution Saturday will be on how to have a net-zero home or building with no utility bill. John Reuter, an energy consultant and solar installer, will discuss the advancement of building science and the availability of new technologies. It’s now possible to build homes that produce as much energy as they consume. Specific focus will be put on options for the “thermal envelope,” mechanical systems, and occupant to-dos. The talk will be held at 1030 Airport Way, and is open to all.

Tax Assistance 

11AM-4PM / Community Library / Ketchum

Blaine County residents with household incomes of less than $66,000 per year can get free income tax preparation assistance. IRS-certified volunteers will be available every Saturday until April 11. The preparation assistance is part of the IRS’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program and is spearheaded by local resident Courtney Noble, who ran the United Way of King County’s free income tax preparation campaign in Seattle for several years.

Sun Mar 1

United Vision Talk

12PM / St. Thomas Church / Ketchum

A free lecture and discussion with United Vision for Idaho’s executive director Adrienne Evans and Southern Poverty Law Center’s Lecia Brooks, will be held as part of Company of Fools’ production of Eleanor Burgess’s “The Niceties.” UVI is a  progressive, Boise-based coalition dedicated to social, economic and environmental justice, to host a series of conversations and public engagement events to discuss the important themes presented in the play. Attendees are strongly encouraged to buy tickets for COF’s matinee performance of “The Niceties” at 3 p.m. that same afternoon, as the play illuminates many of the same topics that will be addressed in the noontime lecture and discussion.

Library Open

12-5PM / Community Library / Ketchum

The private, nonprofit Community Library will now be open on Sunday afternoons. All regular services will be available. For more information, visit

Mon Mar 2

Story Time 

10:30-11AM / Community Library / Ketchum 

Story Time, held weekly in the Children’s Library with Lee Dabney, features themed story time with high-quality children’s books, songs, and a fun craft or activity. Story Time is suitable for ages 3 and up. For more information, visit

Drop-In ACT/SAT Study 

4-5PM / Hailey Library / Hailey

Hailey Public Library and The Community Library will offer free, drop-in, tutored ACT/SAT study groups on Wednesdays in Ketchum, and Mondays in Hailey, through April 27. For more information, call Hailey Public Library, (208) 788-2036 or The Community Library, (208) 806-2621.

Great Decisions: War Powers

6:30PM / Emmanuel Church / Hailey

Great Decisions group will meet every Monday evening though April 20. This week the topic will be War Powers. Great Decisions is America’s largest discussion program on world affairs. The program is free and open to be public during the Lenten season because of the gift from a generous member. Preregistration is helpful but not required; call (206) 618-6671.

Tue Mar 3

Science Time

11AM / Community Library / Ketchum

Science Time is held weekly with local expert Ann Christensen in the Children’s Library’s treehouse. For more information and news on other events at The Community Library, visit

Art Therapy Workshop

2-3M / SV Museum of Art / Ketchum

Stepping out of the Frame: Museum-Based Art Therapy Program, participants will explore SVMoA’s BIG IDEA project through therapeutic art experiences. The experiences will expose participants to and engage them with visual artworks and visual arts directives that are specifically designed to promote individual, social and educational goals for transformation. The winter/spring sessions will take place Tuesdays, through May 12. Preregistration for SVMoA’s museum-based art therapy program is recommended, but walk-ins are welcome. For more information, call (208) 726-9491.

Cancer Support Group

5:30-6:30PM / St. Luke’s Clinic / Hailey

This group meets the third Tuesday of the month. It provides a supportive environment, social engagement, education and networking for people who have been diagnosed with any kind of cancer. Call prior to attending first time, (208) 727-8733.

English As A Second Language

6-8PM / Community Library / Ketchum

Free English as a Second Language for adults, cada martes. Abierto a todos los idiomas que quieren aprender ingles o mejorar sus habilidades. ¡Gratis! Open to adults of all languages who want to learn English or improve skills.

Trivia Night

7:30PM / Sawtooth Brewery / Ketchum

Games are free to play and are for everyone who likes to play games and win stuff. Each night there will be two games consisting of three rounds each. All ages are welcome. Tuesday is in Ketchum; games on Thursday are at the Sawtooth Brewery & Tap Room in Hailey.

Wed Mar 4

NAMI Family Support

6-7:30PM / Sun Club / Hailey

NAMI Family Support Group is a peer-led support group for any adult with a loved one who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition, to gain insight from the challenges and successes of others facing similar experiences. These monthly meetings will be held at 731 N. 1st Ave., in Hailey.


Fri Feb 28

Silver Dollar Music

9:30PM / Silver Dollar / Bellevue

Friday night live music will be The Shenanigans at 9:30 p.m. There is never a cover at the iconic saloon. Free lifts home if needed.

Thu Feb 27-Sat Feb 29

Limelight Music

6PM / Limelight Hotel / Ketchum 

In the Lounge, enjoy free live musical entertainment with Kevin Ware on Thursday; Mark Mueller on Friday; and Black Willows on Saturday.  The family-friendly lounge also offers a play room and games for families to enjoy.

Fri Feb 28 & Tue Mar 3

Music At Whiskey’s

5:30PM / Whiskey Jacques’ / Ketchum

Nappy Roots will perform live Friday. Donovan Frankenreiter on The Record Player Tour will be live on Tuesday. Doors open at 9 p.m. $5 entry at the door.

Wed Feb 26-Tue Mar 3

River Run

2:30-5PM / River Run Lodge / Ketchum

After a lively day on or off the mountain, enjoy live après-ski music in the lodge every weekend. Wednesday, Brian DiJulio; Thursday, Josh Hoyer & Soul Colossal; Friday, Josh Hoyer & Soul Colossal; and Saturday, Wyatt Lowe & the Mayhem Kings. There is no cover and everyone is welcome.