

Wed Feb 19

Car Seat Safety Checks

2-4PM / St. Luke’s Clinic / Hailey

Proper installation is important in keeping your child safe. St. Luke’s Children’s Car Seat Program comes to the Wood River Valley once a month to help install car seats and teach proper installation, as well as provide information on recalls. Expecting parents may plan early in pregnancy to install your car seat. No appointment necessary. Meet outside the main entry. For information or additional appointment options, call (208) 814-7640 or (208) 727-8733.

Drop-In ACT/SAT Study Groups

4-5PM / Community Library / Ketchum

The Community Library will offer free, drop-in, tutored ACT/SAT study groups. Students can meet Wednesdays, through April 29, at The Community Library. The study groups will also be offered at the Hailey Public Library on Mondays. For more information, call (208) 788-2036 or The Community Library at (208) 806-2621.

Book Discussion Series

5:15-6:45PM / Hailey Public Library / Hailey

Pushing the Limits will continue with “The Deer Camp” by Dean Kuipers. The Library is one of 100 rural public libraries nationwide to receive a grant from the National Science Foundation to host the adult discussion series in their community. For more information and to register for this free series, contact Kristin Fletcher at (208) 788-2036 or visit

Taizé Service

5:30PM / St. Thomas Church / Ketchum

Taizé is a weekly candlelit service of meditative silence, song and prayer. Everyone is welcome to attend. St. Thomas Episcopal Church is located at 201 Sun Valley Road.

Eighth-Grade Student Transition

6-7PM / WRMS / Hailey

All eighth-grade students and parents transitioning to ninth grade at Wood River High School are invited to a presentation, breakout sessions and Q&A about students’ four-year plans, course selection, electives, and post-high-school planning. On Friday, Feb. 21, these students can enter course selections into Skyward. For more information, visit

Thu Feb 20

Snowshoe With A Ranger

11AM / Galena Lodge / Galena

Free weekly Snowshoe with a Ranger tours run through March. Participants will meet on the porch of Galena Lodge before taking a 1.5-mile, 2-hour tour exploring the history of mining at Galena Lodge and the winter ecology and tracking of the snowy landscape. Snowshoes can be rented at Galena Lodge. For more information, call (208) 727-5000.

Understanding Lymphedema

12:15-1:15PM / St. Luke’s Wood River / Ketchum

Our lymphatic system is a vital component of the circulatory and immune systems. When the lymphatic system is compromised, lymph fluid can collect and cause the potentially debilitating and incurable condition called lymphedema. Kristin Biggins, occupational therapist, will explain how injury, illness, and treatment for diseases such as cancer can affect the lymphatic system, and will provide information on reducing risk, managing symptoms, and treatment options. In addition, Katie Quaglia, physical therapist, will provide information on cancer rehab services in the community. For more information, call (208) 727-8733.

Chamber BAH

5-7PM / Café Della / Hailey

Business After Hours (BAH) will be held at Café Della at 103 South Main Street. The community is invited to attend this free monthly event to meet local business owners and catch up on Chamber-related news and events. Food and beverages will be provided—and don’t forget to bring your business cards to enter in the BAH raffle. For more information, contact The Chamber at, visit or, or call (208) 788-3484.

College Admissions Talk

5:30-7PM / Community School / Sun Valley

Sun Valley Community School’s college counseling office will host a free and public presentation, “Navigating the Selective College Admission Process,” featuring guest speaker Peter Wilson, University of Chicago director of Undergraduate Admission. His talk is designed to take a wide perspective on the topic of selective college admissions nationwide in order to give students and families more context as they enter into the college search process. Questions will also be answered. All students and families from the Wood River Valley are encouraged and welcome to attend. The presentation will take place in the Stevens’ Family Foundation Big Room of Hagenbuch Hall. For questions, contact Sun Valley Community School College Counselor Royce Mussman at

‘Wild Ideas’

5:30PM / Hailey Public Library / Hailey

“Wild Ideas: Are We Protecting Wilderness from the Visitor?” is the provocative title of a talk by local author and international natural resource consultant Cindy Chojnacky. Chojnacky and her husband, a specialist in forest biometrics, visited 60 eastern and western wilderness areas. They learned that most wilderness is unknown and rarely visited while a few well-known areas are “trammeled,” including parts of our own Sawtooth Wilderness. For more information about this and other talks, call (208) 788-2036 or visit

Fri Feb 21

Friday Flicks

4PM / Hailey Public Library / Hailey

The Hailey Public Library will present a free family-friendly film with popcorn every Friday. This week enjoy “Enchanted.” For more information, call (208) 788-2036 or visit

‘Pretty Strong’

6PM / YMCA / Ketchum

The Wood River Community YMCA will screen “Pretty Strong,” a new film that follows eight of the world’s strongest female climbers as they explore new climbing areas, send hard projects, and push the boundaries of the sport and themselves. Putting badass ladies front and center, this film is about some of the best climbers in the world—some you know, some you don’t—doing what they do best: crushing hard rock climbs.

Narda Pitkethly

4-5PM / Community Library / Ketchum

The Community Library will host a conversation with Narda Pitkethly, author of “Nardagani: A Memoir – Finding Light in the Shadow of a Brother’s Disappearance.” The memoir begins with the story of Narda’s brother, Jay, who vanished without a trace in September 2001 near the Big Wood River in Ketchum. This begins a prolonged period of searching, not only for her brother, but for inspiration and meaning in her life, which ultimately leads her back to a world that makes sense.

Sat Feb 22

Winter Tracking Workshop

11AM-2PM / ERC / Ketchum

The final ERC Winter Tracking Workshop with Ann Christensen will begin at the ERC office at 471 Washington Ave., Ketchum, before heading outside on a snowshoe tracking adventure through the fields and woods north of Ketchum. Novice and experienced trackers of all ages are welcome. Bring snowshoes, warm clothes, and water. Suggested donation is $10/ERC members and $20/nonmembers. Preregistration is encouraged. For more information or to register, call (208) 726-4333 or visit;

Walk-In Tax Prep

11AM-4PM / Community Library / Ketchum

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax assistance to low-income residents who need assistance preparing their tax returns. IRS-certified volunteers who have undergone a background check will provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing to qualified individuals. Each Saturday at The Community Library, through April 11.

Sun Feb 23

Library Open

12-5PM / Community Library / Ketchum

The private, nonprofit Community Library will now be open on Sunday afternoons. All regular services will be available. For more information, visit

New Moon Dinner

5:30-8:30PM / Botanical Garden / Ketchum

The Sawtooth Botanical Garden’s New Moon Dinner will feature a “farm to greenhouse” catered meal with wine for 50 people in the heated greenhouse, a snow bar and warming fire pits outside the greenhouse, and night-sky-viewing telescopes outside on the darker, north side of the Visitor Center. Idaho Conservation League and SBG will supply telescopes along with astronomy experts. The dinners are held in celebration of SBG’s location at the southern tip of the Central Idaho Dark Sky Reserve. For tickets and more information, call (208) 726-9358.

Mon Feb 24

Story Time 

10:30-11AM / Community Library / Ketchum 

Story Time, held weekly in the Children’s Library with Lee Dabney, features themed story time with high-quality children’s books, songs, and a fun craft or activity. Story Time is suitable for ages 3 and up. For more information, visit

Drop-In ACT/SAT Study

4-5PM / Hailey Public Library / Hailey

Hailey Public Library and The Community Library will offer free, drop-in, tutored ACT/SAT study groups on Wednesdays in Ketchum, and Mondays in Hailey, through April 27. For more information, call Hailey Public Library, (208) 788-2036 or The Community Library, (208) 806-2621.

Tue Feb 25

Science Time

11AM / Community Library / Ketchum

Science Time is held weekly with local expert Ann Christensen in the Children’s Library’s treehouse. For more information and news on other events at The Community Library, visit

Cancer Support Group

5:30-6:30PM / St. Luke’s Clinic / Hailey

This group meets the third Tuesday of the month. It provides a supportive environment, social engagement, education and networking for people who have been diagnosed with any kind of cancer. Call prior to attending first time, (208) 727-8733.

English As A Second Language

6-8PM / Community Library / Ketchum

Free English as a Second Language for adults, cada martes. Abierto a todos los idiomas que quieren aprender ingles o mejorar sus habilidades. ¡Gratis! Open to adults of all languages who want to learn English or improve skills.

Upbeat With Alasdair

7PM / Community Library / Ketchum

Sun Valley Music Festival Music Director Alasdair Neale will host the “Upbeat with Alasdair” speaking series with Edwin Outwater. The conductor and curator of the upcoming Winter Season joins Festival Music talk on the art of directing a musical performance. Titled “Life as a Conductor: A Chat with Friends and Colleagues,” Neale and Outwater will discuss their experiences as conductors. Admission is free, but space is limited and the event is often full. Make a reservation at This program will be live streamed and can be viewed on

Kiwanis Club Open House

6-7:30PM / Mountain West Bank / Hailey

Open to all, the Kiwanis Open House will discuss how to help with new park equipment in Hailey, Bellevue and Carey, as well as acquiring winter clothing for kids in need, promoting reading skills and the events we host to make this possible. For more information, call Geegee Lowe (208) 720-7395.

Trivia Night

7:30PM / Sawtooth Brewery / Ketchum

Games are free to play and are for everyone who likes to play games and win stuff. Each night there will be two games consisting of three rounds each. All ages are welcome. Tuesday is in Ketchum; games on Thursday are at the Brewhouse in Hailey.


Fri Feb 21

Kip Attaway

6:30PM / Mahoney’s / Bellevue

Kip Attaway will return to Mahoney’s for a very special winter show. His shows are a combination of comedy, music and mayhem.

Silver Dollar Music

9:30PM / Silver Dollar / Bellevue

Friday night live music will be Jukebox Widowmakers at 9:30 p.m. There is never a cover at the iconic saloon. Free lifts home if needed.

Thu Feb 20-Mon Feb 24

Limelight Music

6PM / Limelight Hotel / Ketchum 

In the Lounge, enjoy free live musical entertainment with Michaela French on Thursday; James Tautkus on Friday. Aaron Golay will play on Saturday; Travis McDaniel will play Sunday; and Jimmy Mitchell on Monday. The family-friendly lounge also offers a play room and games for families to enjoy.

Fri Feb 21 & Sat Feb 22

Music At Whiskey’s

5:30PM / Whiskey Jacques’ / Ketchum

Josh Hoyer & The Soul Colossal, soul-funk, from Lincoln, Neb., will perform live Friday. Scenic Byway, hip-hop, from Salt Lake City, will be performing live on Saturday along with Zac Ivie & DJ Baloo. Doors open at 9 p.m. $5 entry at the door.

Wed Feb 19-Tue Feb 25

River Run

2:30-5PM / River Run Lodge / Ketchum

After a lively day on or off the mountain, enjoy live après-ski music in the lodge every weekend. Wednesday Brian DiJulio; Thursday, Josh Hoyer & Soul Colossal; Friday, Josh Hoyer & Soul Colossal; and Saturday, Wyatt Lowe & the Mayhem Kings. There is no cover and everyone is welcome.