Thinking With Your Heart



Are you aware that you have 40,000 brain-like cells within your physical heart space? They are called sensory neurocytes and function independently from the cells in your brain. So, when you are contemplating making an important decision, it is helpful to have your heart and your head on the same page.

Here is a technique you might try. Just put your hand or fingers on your heart, which will put your focus on your physical heart. Where your focus goes, energy flows.

Start taking slow deep breaths to the count of five. Inhale for a count of five and exhale for a count of five. Add a positive emotion to your thought process—hopefully not just a positive thought but a truly positive emotion you can really feel in your body. Your head and heart will be connected. Make your decision from this energy space.

The brain cells in the heart bypass all the negative programs of doubt, fear, anger and jealousy that can exist in the programs in your head. The programs in your head are mostly old tapes that just keep playing the same old story, and unless you change something, you will always get the same result.

I love this process because it keeps me centered in a place of love for myself and those around me. It makes getting rid of the mental garbage effortless because I recognize the old stories and I don’t want them anymore.

Go to YouTube and check out Gregg Braden’s “How to Harmonize your Heart and Brain” for a more extensive explanation. This process is like having a hotline to your subconscious, which is where healing takes place. You are the one creating your reality. Become conscious of where your thoughts take you.

Life is a gift. The purpose is joy. Find yours.