Discovers new interest in politics and social justice

By Emilee Mae Struss

Wood River High School senior Petra Glenn is a lifeguard, math-focused student and a potential future lawyer in international law. Courtesy photo by Lindsay Browder

Wood River High School senior Petra Glenn is highly focused on advanced math and science classes and has worked hard for her 4.22 GPA. Glenn is also involved in debate, Model U.N. and Next Generation Politics.

Academics are a major focus for Glenn; however, she also enjoys community service projects with National Honor Society, playing tennis and working as a lifeguard.

Glenn is enrolled in A.P. Calculus, A.P. Environmental Science, A.P. Literature, A.P. Government, and ceramics. She has taken Advanced Placement courses since her sophomore year with the intention of setting herself up for success in the future for college, where she plans to major in math and potentially attend law school after that.

“I thought I would go into math,” Glenn said, “because that’s what I am naturally good at, but I’ve recently got more into social justice.”

Glenn isn’t sure if she wants to be a lawyer or not, but is interested in international law. Glenn has applied to some liberal arts schools, including Pitzer College in Claremont, Calif., and the University of California, Berkeley. She is also thinking about Boise State University Honors College, where she could graduate in three years. If Glenn stays in-state for her undergraduate degree, she hopes to travel outside of the state, post-graduation, for different opportunities.

“School is a big priority for me,” Glenn said. “It’s important for college and my future and I enjoy learning and doing my best.’’

Glenn is the youngest of five siblings and both of her parents work for Blaine County School District. During an interview, Glenn shared how thankful she is for the high-quality education that she has access to from the district and the Wood River Valley’s accessibility to mountains.

And when asked who inspires her, Glenn couldn’t narrow it down to any number lower than six: her parents, Mike and Rebecca Glenn, and her four siblings, Nick, Jade, Zeb and Sam.

Editor’s Note: Anyone who would like to recommend a Blaine County School District student for The Weekly Sun’s “Student Spotlight” feature should contact Emilee Struss at