School District Encourages Public Participation


The Blaine County School District welcomes and encourages public participation in board and committee meetings. If you want the board of trustees to hear your voice, there are a number of ways to express your opinions to the board.

You can email the board clerk ( and your comment will be sent to all board and/or board committee members. You can do this anytime. These emails become part of the public record.

You can speak to the board or a board committee (finance, wellness, policy) at a public meeting during public comment. At each board meeting there is time on the agenda for public comment.

In order to keep the meetings a reasonable length of time, public comment is limited to three minutes for individuals, or 10 minutes for an individual representing a group of people. Public comments become part of the public record. If you cannot attend the meeting in person, you can designate a representative to read the letter for you. The board clerk does not read the letters aloud.

More information on how to make public comment to the board or a board committee may be found at under School Board.

You can submit a letter by noon the Friday before the board or committee meeting and the letter will be forwarded to the board or committee members. You can read the minutes of board meetings, watch board webcasts, and learn more about the board of trustees and board committees at our website, If you have questions, please contact the board clerk at 208-578-5003.

Public schools depend on public support; working together, we can help every child become inspired, engaged, educated and empowered.

Thank you for your support of public schools and all of our students in Blaine County.


Dr. GwenCarol Holmes

Blaine County School District Superintendent