School Board, Not Commissioners, Should Appoint New Trustee


Regarding the interviews for the vacant Zone 3 School Board of Trustees seat, I thoroughly enjoyed being part of the process. Public education is one of the foundations of civil society. I would like to serve the students and residents of Blaine County.

During their discussion, Trustee Corker remarked that all four candidates were qualified. Trustee Clayton emphasized the Board’s pressing need to fill the vacant Board seat. So when an impasse occurred for two candidates, I was shocked that none of the four trustees were willing to discuss the other two options sitting in front of them.

Their actions belied their words.

If they had retained the points distribution system in place when Trustee Bustos was appointed on Sept. 24, 2015, then a decision might have been reached. I encourage the trustees to reinstate the points distribution selection and tie-breaker process in place last year, to not abdicate their responsibility to the County Commissioners, and to fulfill their responsibility to the residents of Zone 3 to select a trustee from Zone 3. This would allow them to get back to the true business of the Board, which is to oversee the education of the students of Blaine County.

The School Board Trustees have the right to schedule another special meeting before Oct. 12, 2016, in order to compromise on their first choices and discuss the possibility of appointing a second choice. The power and responsibility are theirs.


Ellen Mandeville

Hailey resident