Farmers’ Market Vendor Spotlight


wr farmers marketThe Wood River Farmers’ Market is your go-to place for fresh, local, nutritious and handmade products. Direct purchase from our vendors builds our local economy. Get to know where your food comes from. The produce is fresh-picked that day or the day before it comes to you at the markets. We believe in providing nutritionally complete food that tastes fresh and sweet. Our products provide more value as they last longer than products shipped often thousands of miles before customer purchase.

Markets are Tuesday in Ketchum on 4th Street and Thursday in Hailey on Main Street next to Sturtos – both open from 2-6 p.m. through October 13. Come see us!

GMA Honey’s Healing Salve

Twin sisters Lacie and Allie are Idaho women who created a business after their mother discovered her passion for herbal healing. They make their own version of a natural healing salve using herbs like comfrey, chamomile, calendula, and yarrow. You can buy the salve in several sizes and with one of four of the essential oils, including peppermint, lavender, abundance or original scented, to give it a specific flavor to meet their customers’ particular preferences. Their salves are kid- and pet-friendly and the balm helps to heal dry skin, rashes, burns, diaper rash, and scrapes. Come sample and you are sure to be sold on their product. You will find Lacie and Allie at the Hailey Farmers’ Market.

Sawtooth Brewery

Paul Holle and Kevin Jones are the masterminds and brewers behind Sawtooth Brewery, Ketchum’s only local brewery. This is their third season at the market and they usually have three beers to choose from. Swing on by their stand in Ketchum, grab a seat and enjoy sipping a beer at the market. They have recently opened up a new location with a tasting room and beer-making facility in Hailey. They also have a restaurant on Warm Springs Road where there is usually at least eight of their awesome varieties on tap plus a guest tap to choose from. They offer a friendly environment and great food and they are continuously giving back to the community, offering product to fundraisers and engaging with all the great events the Valley has to offer.