The Wood River Farmers’ Market is your go-to place for fresh, local, nutritious and handmade products. Direct purchase from our vendors builds our local economy. Get to know where your food comes from. The produce is fresh picked that day or the day before it comes to you at the markets. We believe in providing nutritionally complete food that tastes fresh and sweet. Our products provide more value as they last longer than products shipped often thousands of miles before customer purchase.
The markets take place Tuesday in Ketchum on 4th Street and Thursday in Hailey on Main Street next to Sturtos – both are open from 2-6 p.m. through October 13. Come see us!

At Idahound, we believe that the best dog food is minimally processed and sourced locally. We believe in the efficacy of fresh foods that are nutritionally dense. We believe in treating people, animals and the environment fairly — and not hiding behind lists of obscure ingredients and questionable processes. The ills of industrial pet food are plain to see, which begs the question: doesn’t your hound deserve better than unsavory meats and deplorable grains from a distant factory? Idahound wants to provide the smart alternative: a locally-sourced menu of foods and treats that are holistic, healthy and delicious.
Bread Werks

We are so happy to have Vincent Carpenter’s Bread Werks among our Farmers’ Market family of vendors to offer outstanding artisan breads in Ketchum. Vincent has numerous varieties, including ciabatta, miche sourdough, baguettes, dinner rolls, Challah, focaccia, and other loaf breads, and from week to week he will change it up some to have specialty breads. His breads are incredibly tasty and will please everyone. Vincent bakes at Rasberrys restaurant. Don’t miss Vinny’s crusty loaves that are fresh that morning!