By Mike McKenna

The Chamber of Hailey and the Wood River Valley was proud to help put on another fantastic Fourth of July celebration. We would like to thank everyone who attended the festivities or helped put them on, especially the following people who donated their time and resources: Sarah Benson, Sharon Boyle, Kim Bryson, Chief Mike Baledge and the Hailey Fire Department, Chief Steve England and the Hailey Police Department, City of Hailey’s hardworking staff, Jane Drussell, Jane Dyndiuk, Eye on Sun Valley, Idaho Mountain Express, Allison & Ryan Kindred, Men’s Second Chance Living, Geegee Lowe, Alex Leahy, Amy McCabe, Brooke McKenna, Jack McKenna, Kayla Nisson, Alex Nevins, Avie Nelson, The Nelson Family, Liz Paterson, Chris Roebuck, R.L. Rowsey and Caritas Chorale, Sawtooth Rangers, Mylie Smith, Sturtevants Hailey, and Wood River Weekly.

And special thanks to this year’s sponsors: Becker, Chambers and Co., Elite Restoration, Friedman Memorial Airport, H Property Services, Idaho Lumber, Hailey Rotary, High Country Heating, Karl Malone Ford, Kiwanis of Hailey, L.L. Green’s Hardware, Marketron, Oasis Stop `N Go, POWER Engineers, Sawtooth Wood Products, Sun Valley Board of Realtors, Valley Maintenance & Restoration, and Wood River Inn and Suites.

Find out about the fun stuff happening throughout the Wood River Valley all summer long at ValleyChamber.org