School District Seeks Community Advisors


The Blaine County School District Board of Trustees is looking for community members to serve on three board advisory committees. These committees do work related to all aspects of the school district, making recommendations to the board throughout the school year. Seats are currently available on the:

  • Calendar Committee
  • Finance Committee
  • Policy Committee

“We are excited to invite our community members to serve on our advisory committees, which help the board make decisions that reflect the perspectives, values and interests of our community as a whole,” said Lara Stone, board vice chair. “We encourage district residents who are interested in this opportunity to apply today.”

To serve on a committee, an individual must be a resident and/or taxpayer of Blaine County, a parent or guardian of a BCSD student, a BCSD staff member or an expert or professional, as stipulated in board policy. Prospective members should be willing to attend at least 75% of meetings, be able to clearly communicate about the committee’s work and be willing to work productively with other committee members and district staff. Members also may not be related to or employed by any trustees or district administrators.

The deadline to apply is Friday, June 10, 2022, at 5 p.m. Community members who are interested are asked to fill out the letter of interest form, available at