Silver Creek Conditions Trigger Closure

Fly-fishing enthusiasts enjoy Silver Creek Preserve, home to a globally unique aquatic ecosystem that features one of the highest densities of stream insects in North America. Photo credit: The Nature Conservancy

Due to current low flows, high water temperatures and low dissolved oxygen levels caused by extreme heat and drought in the Wood River Valley, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has closed access to fishing at Silver Creek Preserve until conditions improve. These precautions are necessary for the health of the fishery to reduce stress on fish at a time when they are experiencing prolonged periods of stressful conditions, the organization said. 

Specifically, at  9 p.m. on July 2, access to fishing at the preserve closed until further  notice. These restrictions were necessary, the conservancy said, because dissolved oxygen concentrations and stream temperatures remain at harmful levels for extended periods throughout the day. Low dissolved oxygen concentrations and elevated water temperatures can cause fish stress and mortality.  

The Nature Conservancy monitors stream temperature and dissolved oxygen levels on a 

biweekly basis and adjusts restrictions if or when conditions improve. TNC only implements  precautionary actions when stream temperatures exceed 70 degrees Fahrenheit and dissolved  oxygen levels are below 4 mg/L. Recent data recordings have shown stream temperatures at  73 degrees and dissolved oxygen levels of 3 mg/L for extended periods beyond the threshold.